College Training Program


This is a structured program taught and supervised by board-certified practicing physicians.

From 9a-2p M-F, the students have the following courses:

·       Week 1: Cardiology & Resuscitation with Medical Simulation

·       Week 2: Trauma & Surgical Skills

·       Week 3: Medical Publishing

Students in the Pre-Med College training program also have 2 special courses specifically curated for them, delivered as 24 hours of in-person didactics over the 3 weeks, in addition to 21 asynchronous hours to complete assignments.


Empowering premedical students with resilience skills to navigate the challenges of medical education and cultivate well-being from the outset. By addressing potential stressors early on, we am to equip future physicians with the tools to thrive both academically and personally throughout their medical journey.

The course is taught by a certified mind-body practitioner, board-certified in Integrative Medicine and Family Medicine, with extensive experience in hypnosis, battlefield acupuncture, mindfulness, yoga, and in in educating students, physicians, and patients. medical schools that have implemented similar curricula have demonstrated effectiveness in enhancing medical students’ well-being.

Course objectives:

  • Understand the theory and practice of mind-body medicine

  • Understand and integrate basic nutrition into one’s life

  • Utilize self-regulation techniques such as biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, journaling, & mindfulness

  • Identify medical precautions and contraindications for self-regulation techniques


Part I: Students receive personal guidance on their premedical trajectory including when and how to take their MCAT, planning college courses, and insight into what medical school admissions committees look for, such as leadership, volunteering, shadowing, research publications, and how to obtain these opportunities.

Part II: A guided discussion of the various medical and surgical specialties, the personalities they are best suited for, the components of reimbursement, procedural scope, ancillary staffing models and more are discussed to help students make an informed choice.


The cost of the entire 3-week program that includes all courses above is $4800.

Dates of the program are June 3-June 21, 2024